Saturday 5 March 2011

Nikkah - Muslim Marriage

Nikkah - Muslim Marriage
Marriage Contract and Prenuptial Agreements in Islam
Jun 30, 2008 Christine Benlafquih

Muslims sign a legal marriage contract. - Massimiliano Pieraccini, 123rf.comMarriage in Islam involves an oral or written contract which affirms certain conditions have been met. The contract may also contain detailed prenuptial agreements.

A Muslim marriage is not a sacrament. Rather, it is a covenant, solidified by either verbal agreement (oral contract) or signing a written contract. Whether oral or written, the marriage contract (nikkah or nikah) is legally binding, and at a minimum should confirm:

the couple's consent to marry
the approval of the bride's guardian
the presence of two Muslim witnesses
the specification of a mahr, or gift to the bride.
An imam or religious leader typically oversees this process, but any trusted Muslim may officiate.

The Consent of the Couple
Although parents are traditionally involved in helping find suitable spouses for their children, no Muslim is allowed to force another into marriage. Forced marriage is a cultural influence, not a religious one.

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Consent of the Bride’s Guardian (Wali)

A first-time bride must have the consent of a Muslim guardian (wali or wakeel) to get married. The wali is usually her father or another close male relative. He is responsible for ensuring the groom is a suitable match for the bride, and he helps to negotiate prenuptial details of the marriage contract.

The consent of a wali is not required for a divorced or widowed woman.

Muslim Witnesses
Witnesses are required for the solidifying of any contract in Islam, and the marriage contract is no different. Signing the contract or agreeing to it in front of witnesses allows the marriage to be publicly acknowledged and the couple to be recognized as husband and wife.

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The Bridal Gift or Mahr

To show that a man respects and values his wife, he must give her a bridal gift, or mahr. The mahr should be specified at the time of the nikkah, but it may be presented at a later date.

Although this gift can be token or a gift in kind, brides in some cultures request large sums of money or lavish gifts. There is no limit on the monetary value of the bridal gift, but moderation is recommended. Islam is in favor of facilitating a marriage rather than making it a hardship.

The mahr should not be confused with dowry, known as jahaz in Islam. Dowry is practiced in many parts of the world, and is permissible as long as it isn't burdensome to a family.

Prenuptial Agreements in Islam
The Islamic marriage contract may contain any number of additional details which the couple have agreed upon as prerequisites to their married life. A woman, for example, may stipulate that she wants to study and work outside the home.

Likewise, a man might ask that his bride not interfere with his obligations towards his parents. The couple might agree that each spouse will not disclose marital issues to others, and that they will follow Islamic guidelines for resolving problems.

These agreements are not usually contested in Muslim countries. In the United States, however, the legality of the nikkah might be questioned. It may be preferable, then, that marriage contracts be written to protect the rights of both husband and wife.

Deferred Mahr - Protection for the Woman

Women from some cultures have used the nikkah primarily as a safeguard against divorce. In Lebanon, for example, brides were known to specify a very high-priced bridal gift, payable only upon death or divorce. In addition to offering financial security to the woman should she find herself a widow, a high deferred mahr deterred men from initiating divorce on weak grounds.

Benefit of the Islamic Marriage Contract
Marriage, like other social relationships, involves respect, compassion, fairness and the ability to work out disagreements. The Islamic marriage contract not only establishes the legitimacy of a marriage, but also serves to protect the bride and groom's rights and special interests

Read more at Suite101: Nikkah - Muslim Marriage: Marriage Contract and Prenuptial Agreements in Islam


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